路由# 321076470



我们致力于帮助你 放心购买

A 预先批准 is one of the first steps in determining how much you can afford for your new home purchase. Think of it as your golden ticket or the go-ahead to start making offers on homes.

Many new homebuyers walk into the process without a lot of information on mortgage 率s, 总成本, 或者他们的首付款选择. A 预先批准 can give you a better understanding of what type of loan you’ll qualify for, 你的购买价格范围, 利率, 更重要的是你估计的付款.

通过预先获得批准, 你会觉得准备好了, and it will also let sellers and real estate agents know you're serious about buying.

There are different types of 预先批准s or pre-qualification offers. You'll want to determine which one is best for you (learn more about the differences between the two below).

To start the 预先批准 process, you can submit an application online or reach out to a 置业贷款顾问.

理解生命的意义 pre-qualified, pre-approved and fully 信贷 approved

Sometimes these 条款 are used interchangeably, but they can have different meanings to various lenders, and each one carries a different level of weight and clout. 我们将在下面解释如何定义它们.

Depending on where you are in your homebuying and financing journey, you'll probably want to start in chronological order – by getting pre-qualified, then pre-approved and/or fully 信贷 approved (optional).

To make offers on homes, you'll need to be pre-approved. If you’re ready to buy and move in within the next few months, a full 信贷 approval can give you an advantage over other buyers. A full 信贷 approval is not required to make offers but think of it as a fast pass to speed up the process, 或者作为蛋糕上额外的糖霜.

Here's the breakdown of the benefits and differences between a pre-qualification, 预先批准, 以及全面的信贷审批.




概述 An 估计 你有多少
初步审查 你能借多少钱 提前完成贷款审查;
过程 Typically a quick conversation with a 置业贷款顾问 Submit an application, reviewed by 置业贷款顾问 Submit an application, reviewed by 置业贷款顾问 + Underwriter
文档 未提供文档 应用程序
信贷紧缩 1,
信贷紧缩 1,
过期 N/A 自签发之日起120天
底线 Idea of what you may qualify for; good if you're starting the process 作出要约所必需的;
Best type of approval with greatest confidence;

  • You will likely save time on the financing process once you've found a home, plus you'll have the most accu率 view of your loan amount, 条款, 率, 和付款. A full 信贷 approval confirms your loan application and 信贷 documentation have been verified by our underwriter.
    这意味着如果你在买房, you've already checked off some of the boxes for your financing, 所以你领先了一步. 假设你的信用状况保持不变, your loan is only subject to verification of a few final items related to the property you’re purchasing.
    This type of approval also shows extra strength as a buyer and may help you stand out to the listing agent and other potential buyers. You may also be able to negotiate a faster closing since your loan will not have to go through an initial underwriting review again.

    An underwriter is someone who works on our team behind the scenes to thoroughly review your loan application, 信贷, 收入, and assets and that all is aligned with the type of loan you're applying for. They will work closely with your 置业贷款顾问, 对你的贷款作出最后决定, and/or request any additional information or clarification that may be needed for their decision.

    在竞争激烈的房地产市场, it's normal for buyers to make several offers on homes and get outbid. That's why getting pre-approved, or fully 信贷 approved is important. From the point you're pre-approved, it really depends on how quickly you're able to find a home. Once you have found a property, we can typically close within 30 days or sooner. 很多次, your 置业贷款顾问 and real estate agent will work closely together to negotiate your best offer.

    是的. Once you've been pre-approved or fully 信贷 approved your 置业贷款顾问 will send you a formal letter which you can share with your real estate agent. They'll send the letter to the listing agent and seller along with your offer.


如果您准备购买,我们随时准备提供帮助. Reach out to a 置业贷款顾问 or submit an application to get started.

在线申请 准备好迈出下一步了?


Buying a home is an important milestone and one of the biggest financial decisions you'll make. But it can be stressful if you're unsure of what to expect.

Our 置业贷款顾问s will answer all of your questions so you're well prepared and informed every step of the way.

不管这是你的第一个家, 度假财产或投资购买, our 置业贷款顾问s will meet with you to discuss your plans and goals and help you get pre-approved for the home you'll love.

1 A hard 信贷 inquiry is a request to check your 信贷. When you choose to proceed with a loan application, we will request your full 信贷 report (also known as a “hard” 信贷 pull) from one or more 信贷 reporting agencies, 这可能会影响你的信用评分.

